Sounds like a headline from The Onion. It's not. Welcome to 'Organoid Intelligence'.
Here's how to fight back against surveillance capitalism, one f*****g facial recognition system at a time.
The long arm of the law just got longer and scarier, thanks to AI.
Human-like machines may end up looking after many of us in our later years. I want mine now, thank you.
Claude is an alternative to ChatGPT (and others) designed to be less harmful to humanity. (Or so he claims....)
If so, humans will have a whole lot of 'splainin' to do.
Meta's Twitter replacement is an instant hit. But when our hope for salvation is Mark Zuckerberg, we may already be doomed.
Biometrics can make shopping (and a lot of other things) much easier. It can also be used for less savory purposes.
Not as much as it thinks it does. And that can be a problem.
In the end we're all just stoned apes, waiting for AI to tell us what to believe in
A new study says yes, it can. Also: I'll have two of whatever the robot's having.
Long after your body has given up the ghost, an AI-generated version of you may live on.