Can things get more stupid? Let’s hope not.
OpenAI’s Sam Altman says everything will be just fine. I believe him, don’t you?
Believe me when I tell you that none of this is true
World Liberty Financial will Make America Grift Again
Are online platforms responsible for the harm their algorithms cause? Yes, says the Third Circuit.
Two infamous right-wing grifters started an AI-powered lobbying company. Because of course they did.
And they’ll be speaking Chinese. Brace yourself for the robo revolution.
And you can rent it for $500 a month. Ain’t technology grand?
If you can’t be with the bot you love, love the bot you’re with
Why are our tax dollars subsidizing fake news and voter fraud?
The 2024 presidential election may hinge on who does the better job of out meme-ing their opponent
The propaganda war is about to get nasty. Here's how to stay above the fray.